SPARQL Revision Metadata¶
Revisions figure in SPARQL operations in two ways:
metadata retrieval
query revision specification
Revision Metadata Retrieval via SPARQL¶
The service location <urn:dydra:timemap>
yields the
query repository’s revision timemap as a graph. Given this, a query such as
SELECT ?revision ?startTime
{ select ?bundle ?startTime where
{ SERVICE <urn:dydra:timemap> { ?bundle ?predicate ?startTime . }
filter(?predicate = <>)
} }
{ select ?bundle ?type where
{ SERVICE <urn:dydra:timemap> { ?bundle ?predicate ?type }
filter (?predicate = <>
&& ?type = <> )
} }
{ select ?revision ?bundle where
{ SERVICE <urn:dydra:timemap> { ?revision ?predicate ?bundle . }
filter( ?predicate = <> )
} }
} order BY DESC (?startTime)
would yield the revision start dates for the respective repository.
Revision Specification via SPARQL¶
Where no revision is specified, a SPARQL query is applied to the most current
revision of a given repository. In order to specify a particular revision,
specify its UUID as the value to the query argument revision-id
in the
protocol request. For example, a SPARQL protocol request would be
GET /account/repository/sparql? \
revision-id=urn%3Adydra%3Arevision%3Aa7b7ff5d-a73d-1545-be41-275337a28d70& \
query=SELECT%20(%20count(*)%20as%20%3FstatementCount%20)%0A%20%20WHERE%20%7B%20%3Fs%20%3Fp%20%3Fo%20%7D \
A specific revision is permitted for read-only queries only. Update operations apply to the current revision only.